Today marks the start of Black History Month. As we continue to acknowledge our need to become more inclusive in curriculum and school culture, we join the rest of the country in celebrating Black excellence and achievement during the month of February.Black History Month developed out of Negro History Week. In 1926, Dr. Carter G. Woodson, known as the “Father of Black History” felt that historical research, text and academia did not focus on the accomplishments of people of color. Thus as a Black author, editor, publisher, and historian he created a time in which Black people could remember their heroes and sheroes. It is believed that he chose the month of February for the observances of the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln(Feb. 12th) and Frederick Douglass'(Feb. 14th).Now, you may be asking how the celebration turned into a month-long event? In 1970, RSD’s neighbor, Kent State University, held the first recorded celebration of Black History month. This was led by the collaborative effort of Black United Students(BUS), the Department of Pan-African Studies and the Office of Minority Affairs. It was not until 1976, that United States President Gerald Ford officially recognized Black History Month. President Ford called upon the public to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”
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