Genius Project is an annual middle school STEM competition through the Canton Cultural Center of Arts. In February, our team of 9 students opened their boxes to find out their assigned mission. Students were given the task of designing a Rube Goldberg machine using only the materials in their box. A Rube Goldberg machine is a series of chain reactions built to complete a simple task at the end. We had a hard time completing the task within the restraints of the materials, but our team would not give up. After the competition was over, the students decided to keep meeting to finish a Rube Goldberg design by modifying the project’s requirements by adding more to the provided materials. This is true engineering at work and proof that this “Genius” group has a love for science and STEM. We will continue our work through the month of April to finish our Rube Goldberg machine mission!
Team names: 6th graders – Bradley Davis, Hannah Jones, Andelyn Walton, Adelina Wunderle, Haley Wilson, Torrie Butner, Kaleb Angle, Landin Mihaly, and 8th grader, Julia Stratton.