Monthly Message from Dennis Honkala, Ravenna School District Superintendent
Thank you for touching base and learning more about what’s happening in the Ravenna School District. I welcome your feedback and any other questions or correspondence. My email is at the end of this post.
In this edition we examine:
- Transitioning to full remote learning
- Plan for the next two weeks of food distribution
On Tuesday, November 24 we switched to an all-remote learning platform through December 18th. This is because our number one priority is the safety of our students and staff.
This decision was reached because we have not had an adequate number of staff needed each day to properly and safely supervise and educate our students. This was due to mandatory quarantining policy issued by the Portage County Health Department.
Students have brought home a Chromebook and any other materials needed to continue their education.
The good news is that we prepared for this. Many thanks go to all K-12 teachers and administrators. At the beginning of the school year, they all participated in professional development hours to master the Google Classroom platform. They are all trained, experienced and ready for a smooth transition.
Food Distribution
For the next two weeks we will have weekly food distribution for all Ravenna students. Food distributions will be on Tuesdays (December 8 & 15) only at:
- Ravenna High School – 2:45-3:45pm
- Brown Middle School – 3:30-4:30pm
- Willyard Elementary – 4-5pm
- West Main Elementary – 4-5pm
On each Tuesday afternoon, students will receive five days worth of food from the district. You are permitted to go to the school that is closest to your house.
Next Steps
Over Christmas break, we will reassess our situation and make a decision at that time whether or not to provide an in person learning option. I will stay in communication with all families as we navigate these difficult times.
I will also communicate as often as needed for the next several weeks to provide information and updates on our learning programs, athletics, extracurriculars and our food distributions.
Please follow us on our district website at and our Facebook page for continuing updates.
In closing, I hope that everyone stays safe and well and enjoys the holiday season.
– Dennis Honkala
Superintendent, Ravenna School District