Three Ravenna School District teachers have been selected from over 250 applicants from across the country to attend a workshop sponsored by Kent State University and the National Endowment for the Humanities called “Making Meaning of May 4: The 1970 Kent State Shootings in US History”. Mr. Todd Swan, Ms. Kailey Uhl and Mrs. Nicole Booher, all teachers at Brown Middle School, will gain a better understanding of the events of May 4, 1970 and their impact on our culture.
According to the workshop description, “Making Meaning of May 4 explores the history of the shooting of student demonstrators at Kent State on May 4, 1970. What at Kent State we call “May Fourth” is recognized for changing public opinion about the Vietnam War; setting precedent in the US Supreme Court; changing National Guard armament policy; helping to lower the voting age to 18; impacting culture and the arts; and reminding us all to practice and protect the First Amendment. You’ll work with the best scholar-experts to develop a lesson plan for your students. Workshop faculty include witnesses to the shootings, surviving casualties of the shootings, K–12 experts, and experts on movements of the 1960s. You’ll also learn how to access extensive archival information to use with students.”
The workshop was scheduled for the summer, 2020 but canceled due to the Covid19 pandemic and is now planned to be delivered remotely. Ms. Uhl said, “I’m excited for the opportunity to work with my colleagues and a well-respected institution like Kent State University to design cross-curricular learning experiences for our eighth graders.” Mrs. Booher agreed. “So pleased to have been chosen to take part in this wonderful opportunity! Will be very interesting to discuss the historical significance of the power to protest with my colleagues.”