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Parent Square

Parent Square

Dear Parents & Guardians, We are excited to let you know that this year we’ll be using ParentSquare to communicate with you at the school, and in your classrooms and groups.  ParentSquare provides a simple and safe way for everyone at school to connect. With...

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Halloween Parade

Halloween Parade

The students and staff participated in a Halloween parade on Friday, October 28th. Students walked around the inside and outside of the building to show off their costumes. Many families were in attendance for our parade. Afterwards, students were treated to several...

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Pizza Parade 2022

Pizza Parade 2022

The annual “Pizza Parade” to celebrate seniors took place on Monday, May 23, 2022.  The parade was led by our School Resource Officer Steve Lincoln and his new Therapy dog Tucker.  As always, congratulatory cheers came along the parade route from the amazing...

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