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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in mea aliquip invidunt, mazim dolore te qui.West Park Art Show
RHS Drama Club Presentation
2023 Elementary HVAC Project Project Drawings and Construction Manual Released!
November 2, 2023 - The Ravenna School District released bid documents for the 2023 Elementary HVAC Project Project. The Board of Education, Ravenna City School, Ravenna, Ohio, will receive sealed bids for HVAC Modifications. Bids shall be a on a stipulated sum basis...
Parent Square
Dear Parents & Guardians, We are excited to let you know that this year we’ll be using ParentSquare to communicate with you at the school, and in your classrooms and groups. ParentSquare provides a simple and safe way for everyone at school to connect. With...
Summer PTO Playdates
Pennies for Patients
A Magical Holiday Event!
Our students were treated to a special holiday event in the gym right before break! They were able to make a fun holiday craft, enjoy some cookies and milk, and visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus! Our kids were so excited to see Santa. This was such a fun event and great...
Celebrating Veterans’ Day
West Park's students celebrated Veterans Day on November 11th in a bunch of different ways. Teachers presented a slideshow of student and staff family members that served our country. The classes also colored American flag pictures and posted them in the main hall,...
High School Readers
On Friday, November 4th, eight high school students from Mr. Wunderlee’s Ravenna Civics class spent time with some of our kindergarten students. The high school students read books to our students and recorded what they read onto their "500 book challenge" logs. This...
Unity Day
On Thursday, October 27th we celebrated “Unity Day” at West Park School. All schools were involved in this district wide event. This day was set aside to promote bullying prevention awareness in our schools. In collaboration with the high school, a group of students...
Halloween Parade
The students and staff participated in a Halloween parade on Friday, October 28th. Students walked around the inside and outside of the building to show off their costumes. Many families were in attendance for our parade. Afterwards, students were treated to several...
First Day of Kindergarten
The first day of kindergarten at West Park School was a great success! The first day of school took place on Wednesday, August 24th. It was so wonderful to see so many smiling faces enter our building. Our kindergarteners were excited to be at school. Our staff was...
Kindergarten Kick-Off
Monday, August 1st started Kindergarten Kick-Off at West Park School! Forty students are taking advantage of this two week program. The purpose of Kindergarten Kick-Off is to help students get a "jump start" on kindergarten. Students are engaged in a variety of...
Summer School Offers Learning and FUN!
Shout out to Mrs. Susan Huth for coordinating the summer learning program for students in K-12 of the Ravenna School system!! Pictured are students enjoying the STEM summer learning opportunities at Ravenna High School.
Ravenna School District Hires Catrina Seeden-Burwell as Brown Middle School Principal
Board approval anticipated at June 29 board meeting (June 3, 2022, Ravenna, Ohio) – Ravenna School District’s hiring committee has selected 1995 Ravenna High School alum Catrina Seeden-Burwell as the next Brown Middle School Principal. Ravenna’s Board of Education...
News from Reed Memorial Library
Click HERE to read the full newsletter!!!
Pizza Parade 2022
The annual “Pizza Parade” to celebrate seniors took place on Monday, May 23, 2022. The parade was led by our School Resource Officer Steve Lincoln and his new Therapy dog Tucker. As always, congratulatory cheers came along the parade route from the amazing...
Reedfest Kicks Off Summer Reading Challenge
Reed Memorial Library is inviting studentS to jump start your summer fun at their ocean-themed, after-hours party at Ravenna City Park! CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION!!!
Summer Dance Party!!!
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