Major Contribution to Ravenna Schools
Portage County has been Judge Kent’s lifelong home. A 1938 graduate of Ravenna, he later served as a member of the Ravenna Board of Education. While a student at Ravenna High School, Judge Kent was actively involved in several organizations, such as, the Debate Team, National Honor Society, National Forensic League, Quill and Scroll, Thespians, and the Scholorship Team. Judge Kent continued his educational career and graduated from Adelbert College. He holds membership in Phi Beta Kappa and received his JurisDoctor Degree from the Case Western Reserve College of Law. He was admitted to the practice of law before the Ohio Bar in 1947. Since that time, Judge Kent skillfully balanced his active membership within the counties legal and civic communities by serving as Ravenna City’s Prosecutor and Referee for the Juvenile Court and assuming leadership responsibilities as Clerk of the Ravenna City Council, member of the first Charter Commission, Chairman of the County Red Cross Chapter, President of the Ravenna Rotary Club, and Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the First Christian Church of Ravenna. His dedication and committment did not stop there as he also served as President of the County Bar Asssociation, a member of the American Judges Association, the American Judicature Society, the Ohio Bar Association and the Association of Ohio Probate and Juvenile Judges. Prior to his active practice of law, Judge Kent was an Assistant Professor of Speech at Kent State University.