Major Contribution to Ravenna Schools
A 1948 graduate of Ravenna High School, and a graduate of Kent State university in 1957 with a B.S. Degree in Education, majoring in social Studies, and in 1960 with a Masters Degree in history, Marcus returned to the classroom at Akron university, college of Law, to complete his Juris Doctorate Degree in Law in 1972. Marcus taught Social studies for thirteen years at Ravenna High School before being elected State Representative in 1970, a seat to which he was re-elected twice. In 1976 he was elected State Senator, an office in which he served until his death on February 24, 1986. It is unfortunate that this space is so inadequate to permit a listing of the many accomplishments for which Senator Roberto is remembered. Among his awards were: Distinguished Service to Education in Ohio, Outstanding Legislator, Honorary Superintendent, Distinguished Alumnus Award and Friend of Education Award. Marcus was known as “The Quiet Statesman”. Marcus came from a close and loving family who instilled in him the virtues and values, which would serve him a lifetime. Marcus never forgot from whence he came, and he returned a thousand-fold any measure he received from the town in which he grew to manhood.