2020-2021 School Supply List
1st Grade Supply List
24 pencils, #2, sharpened
4 boxes crayons (24)
10 glue sticks
1 pair scissors
3 large erasers
5 dry erase markers (Expo, black)
1 composition notebook
4 cans of play doh
3 boxes of tissues
3 disinfecting wipes
1 supply box
1 ziploc gallon bags
1 ziploc sandwich bags
1 bottle hand sanitizer
1- 1 inch three ring binder
2 yellow highlighters
2nd Grade Supply List
2 boxes #2 sharpened pencils
4 boxes of crayons (no more than 24 colors)
1 supply box
8 glue sticks
4 dry erase markers
1- clipboard
1 pair of scissors
3- wide ruled spiral notebooks
1 ruler (inches and centimeters)
2 folders (no prongs)
2 inch three ring binder
Last names A-C – 1 box large 50 count sandwich baggies
Last name D-Z -1 box large gallon baggies
3 pack of tissues
A-F – 2 large packs of baby wipes unscented/no bleach
G-Z- 3 containers of sanitizer wipes