Major Contribution to Ravenna Schools
Throughout his long and distinguished career of 36 years in the field of education, Grant Carlin was tireless in his efforts to insure that his students receive the best possible education. A 1945 graduate of Ravenna High School, he earned his B. S. Ed. and Master’s degrees from KSU. He was selected to begin a career in administration in Cuyahoga Falls, however, he accepted a position as an elementary principal in the Ravenna School System where he served for 23 years. After serving a year as Principal of West Main School, he moved to Highland Elementary where he remained for the next 22 years. Grant gained a reputation as an outstanding educator and administrator. He brought expertise, energy, insight, wisdom and courage to an important mission. With deep concern for love of, and interest in his students, Grant consistently inspired them to excel. Grant extended his time and talents to the community he loved so well. He became President of the Ravenna Parks and Recreation Board, was a member of the Portage County Human Relations Board among others. Grant served as a trustee of Reed Memorial Library for 23 years. Upon his retirement as Principal of Highland Elementary, Grant became Executive Vice President of the Ravenna Chamber of Commerce. Following his death in 1987, the Ravenna Board of Education honored his memory for his many years of outstanding service by rededicating Highland School as Carlin Elementary. In his retirement letter to the Ravenna Board of Education, Grant wrote, “My most cherished memories will be of the thousands of boys and girls who have been students at Highland. I hope they have been guided to appreciate an education and to become useful citizens.”