Dear Families, 

The month of February is shaping up to be a busy month. The events planned for this month include the “100th Day of School” celebration, Adopt A Reading Buddy Day, activities related to Black History, and Valentine’s Day parties. Please refer to the “calendar of events” section of this newsletter to keep you informed of all the events and activities occurring at West Park School. 

Regular attendance at school is vital to the success of any child’s education. Research indicates that students who consistently come to school on time tend to arrive at their jobs on time. These are positive traits that we want to instill into our students. Our goal for the second half of the school year is to decrease the number of absences and tardiness among our students. However, if your child is sick, please keep him or her at home. Just call the office directly to notify us of your child’s absence. We appreciate your help in this manner.  

Throughout the rest of the school year we will continue to focus on providing high quality instruction that is interactive, engaging, and student centered. Reading instruction will continue to be direct, explicit, and systematic as we continue to implement our evidence based language arts curriculum, CKLA, which is rooted in the science of reading. We believe that it takes all of us working together to achieve success. If you ever have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at school. I can be reached at 330-297-1744, and my email is


Mr. Sciarabba, Principal